Sweetbriar Nature Center offers educational opportunities for all ages, either at our nature preserve or at your facility. Whether you want your students to learn about metamorphosis and butterflies, explore the treasures of the tropical rainforest, or examine predator/prey relationships, Sweetbriar has the program for you! Our programs are designed to involve participants through the use of live animals, hands-on activities, and interactive experiences. We hope that all visitors will gain a better understanding and respect for the natural world. Programs align with the ELA Core and with the core curriculum for science.

The programs are listed by grade level. These are suggested grade levels. If you are interested in booking a program that is listed for a different age group, please contact our Program Coordinator and we will work with you. We can also tailor programs to your needs.

Programs can be adjusted for special needs children and adults. All downstairs rooms in the historic house are handicap accessible.

ALL PROGRAMS need to meet a minimum fee to proceed. -Offsite programs need to meet a $250 minimum -Onsite programs at the center need to meet a $100 minimum

A $30 travel fee will be added for schools over twenty miles from our location.

If the school is over 40 miles the travel fee is $50.

You can now request to book here or email Programs@sweetbriarnc.org

Program Descriptions      

(See links below descriptions to view how our programs align both with the common core and the science core curriculum)

Pre-School, Kindergarten, Grade 1

At the nature center

Five Senses

 90 minutes                                                          $10.00/child

Children use their senses as they explore the nature preserve… They are introduced to our live resident animals as they use their senses to learn about the special traits of reptiles, birds and mammals. The children will receive a special sticker to remind them of the joy of using their senses in the natural world.


Life Cycles

 90 minutes                                              $10.00/child

Through stories, role playing, and direct interaction with the natural world, children will learn that all things in nature change, and that many of the changes are cycles including life cycles. The life cycles represented are that of plants, butterflies and frogs.

Life Cycles ELA Alignment                        Life Cycles science alignment (1)

 Animal Interviews

 55 minute                                                 $9.00/child

Live examples of each of the mammal, bird and reptile families are brought to your classroom.  The presentation will focus on the characteristics that make each wildlife family unique. Experience a scaly snake, an ancient turtle, a curious bird, and a furry mammal.

Animal Interviews ELA Alignment (1)                      Animal Interviews science alignment

Treasures of the Tropical Rain Forest

1 hour                                                       $9.00/child


Children will discover some of the wonders of the tropical rain forests and begin to appreciate the wonders of this ancient ecosystem.  Children will take a trek through a mock rain forest, meet live animals and end with a fun, participatory activity to remind them about life in the rain forest.


Discovering Dinosaurs

1 hour or 90 mins                                                     $9.00/student or $10/student

This program introduces students to the world of dinosaurs, through observation and discovery. Through a mock fossil dig, a dinosaur scavenger hunt, and live animals, students will be introduced to these awesome creatures and how paleontologists find out about them using fossils. Recommend 90 minutes for 1st Grade if later in the year.

At your FACILITy - Pre-School, Kindergarten, Grade 1

Animal Interviews

 55 Minute                                                 $10.00/child

Live examples of each of the mammal, bird and reptile families are brought to your classroom.  The presentation will focus on the characteristics that make each wildlife family unique. Experience a scaly snake, an ancient turtle, a curious bird, and a furry mammal.

Animal Interviews ELA Alignment (1)                      Animal Interviews science alignment


Discovering Dinosaurs

55 Minutes                                                       $10.00/child

This program introduces students to the world of dinosaurs, through observation and discovery. Through storytelling, touching fossils and live animals, students will be introduced to these awesome creatures and how paleontologists find out about them using fossils.

Elementary (Grades 2-4)

At the nature center

Discovering Nature

2 hour                                                                    $11.00/child

Children experience woodland and wetland habitats as they wander along  the trails of the preserve. They observe and learn about local wildlife and how the natural world works. Each group of children participates at stations where they meet local reptiles, birds and mammals and the adaptations that help each to survive

Feathered Friends

2 hours                                                                              $11.00/child

This is an introduction to the world of birds. By observing our resident non-releasable birds, taking a close look at feathers and dressing in costumes, the children learn what makes birds different from other animals, and what adaptations are crucial in the life of each bird.

Butterflies & Moths

2 hours                                                      $12.00/child

Step into the fascinating realm of Butterflies and Moths and unlock the secrets of these captivating creatures that flutter through our natural world. Explore their roles within ecosystems, intricate life cycles, and mesmerizing beauty. Through a blend of interactive experiences, close-up observations, and presentations, participants will gain a profound understanding of the contributions that butterflies and moths add to our world. Your class will visit the gardens or butterfly house when they visit. (Butterfly House is open from mid-May through October).


Vertebrate Parade

90 Minutes                                                      $10.00/child

Your class will be introduced to a parade of vertebrates as they learn about amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals as they find out what makes a vertebrate, a vertebrate, and learn the differences between the four groups presented.    Students will meet a few members of each group and discover there are many differences even among similar animals.


Insects and Their Kin                              $11.00/child

2 hours

Insects and their kin are some of the most common creatures on the face of the earth.  Through hands-on activities, costumes and live and mounted specimens, children will learn what makes insects unique, their importance to human beings and the natural world and their incredible variety.  Students can view a working bee hive when available.


Treasure of the Tropical Rain Forest

2 hours                                                      $11.00/child

Children will discover the awesome diversity of life in the rain forest and begin to appreciate the wonders of this ancient ecosystem.  Children will take a trek through a mock rain forest, meet live animals and take a visual journey through the life in its layers.  An interactive game show is included upon request.

Rain Forest Alignment ELA                    Rain Forest Alignment Science


90 minutes                                                $10.00/child

This program will introduce students to live birds of prey. They will meet owls, falcons, and hawks and learn about the adaptations that help these beautiful raptors survive. We will also discuss the raptors’ role as predators at the top of the food chain. Owl pellets will be dissected and examined.


Web of Life

2 hours                                                      $11.00/child

Even the most common living things have some of the most amazing connections.  Students will connect themselves into the Web of Life, follow a real estate agent around to assist them in finding homes for wildlife, and meet live animals to help them learn about the interdependency of all life.


At your FACILITY - Elementary (Grades 2-4)

Treasures of the Tropical Rain Forest

55 minutes                                               $10.00/child

Students will discover the wonders of this unique ecosystem and the ominous future it faces. Through a slide presentation, live rain forest animals, and a treasure trove of products, students will learn the importance of one of the most diverse places on Earth.

Rain Forest Alignment ELA                    Rain Forest Alignment Science



 55 minutes                                    $10.00/child   

Both live mammals and mounted specimens will visit your classroom to highlight the unique adaptations of mammals. Mammal habitats, survival techniques, senses, homes and various mammal life-styles will also be covered. Your students will enjoy describing how they feel as they touch our friendly rabbit, chinchilla, and special mammal guest.


Predator/ Prey

 55 minute program                                  $10.00/child

For all living things, survival is the name of the game. Nature is a world of eat or be eaten, kill or be killed. Predators and prey have unique tools and behaviors that enable them to survive. Through skulls, live animals and stories, students will learn firsthand about the adaptations of predators and prey.


Reptiles and Amphibians

55 minutes                                                $10.00/child                 

Live reptiles and amphibians are observed and compared during a cooperative learning experience that stresses observation and data collection. Survival strategies and natural histories of reptiles and amphibians are compared and discussed.


The World of Birds

 55 minutes                                              $10.00/child

What makes a bird a bird? Feathers, lots of feathers. Meet and touch a live chicken. Compare it to a live owl or hawk. Learn about songbirds, the mystery of migration, egg laying, nests, protective coloration and much more. Costumes may be used to aid in a discussion of specialized tools and characteristics of bird families.


Birds of Prey

 55 minutes                                               $10.00/child

Have live raptors visit your students. Students will meet owls, falcons and hawks and learn about the adaptations that help these awesome birds survive. Learn how humans are part of the picture, and how we can help. Students will learn each bird’s stories about how they came to be at Sweetbriar.


Butterflies and Moths

55 minutes                                                $10.00/child

Discover the world of butterflies and moths and learn about the role they play in the natural world. Your class will meet these beautiful creatures under the microscope, in slides, posters, and as preserved specimens.


Threatened Species 

 55 minutes                                               $10.00/child

Live animals are brought into the classroom, each with its own special story. Topics discussed include endangered species, disappearing habitats, the exotic animal trade, conservation, and ways individuals can help. Visiting animals may include a reptile, a chinchilla and a raptor.  

Middle school Programs (grades 5-8)

At the Nature Center

Forest to Forest

90mins                                     $10.00/child

Of all the land area on this wondrous planet, only a small percentage is covered by forests.   There are many kinds of forests in the world from below the Tundra all the way to the equator.   Upstairs at the nature center is our simulated Rain Forest and an interactive Temperate Forest.  Students will explore both to compare and contrasts these unique ecosystems.   They will also meet animals that have tools to live in forests and take a walk through our preserve to move through the life cycle of a tree.


2 hours                                                    $11.00/child

Winter is a difficult time for all living things. All life forms, including humans, have many strategies for survival. Students will meet with some of our resident animals, explore our preserve for signs of wildlife, and become problem solvers as they are put in a survival situation.


The Variety of Life                              

2 hours                                                     $11.00/child

The earth abounds with life. Scientists are continually exploring, discovering, observing and classifying this life. Students will explore the diversity of life through interaction with our resident wildlife, an exercise in taxonomy and by visiting natural communities on our preserve.


Long Island: Wildlife on the Brink                          

 2 hours                                                  $11.00/child

Long Island, as many places around the world, is a difficult place for most living things to live and flourish. How and why is much of the wildlife in trouble? Students will meet some animals of Long Island and other animals that are endangered, threatened or of special concern


Web of Life

2 hours                                                      $11.00/child

Even the most common living things have some of the most amazing connections.  Students will connect themselves into the Web of Life, follow a real estate agent around to assist them in finding homes for wildlife, and meet live animals to help them learn about the interdependency of all life.



90 minutes                                                $10.00/child

This program will introduce students to live birds of prey. They will meet owls, falcons, and hawks and learn about the adaptations that help these beautiful raptors survive. We will also discuss the raptors’ role as predators at the top of the food chain. Owl pellets will be dissected and examined.

(Any of the above programs can be adapted for the classroom)

At your facility - Middle school programs

Predator/ Prey

 55 minute program                                 $10.00/child

For all living things, survival is the name of the game. Nature is a world of eat or be eaten, kill or be killed. Predators and prey have unique tools and behaviors that enable them to survive. Through skulls, live animals and stories, students will learn firsthand about the adaptations of predators and prey.


Reptiles and Amphibians

55 minutes                                                 $10.00/child                 

Live reptiles and amphibians are observed and compared during a cooperative learning experience that stresses observation and data collection. Survival strategies and natural histories of reptiles and amphibians are compared and discussed.


Threatened Species 

 55 minutes                                              $10.00/child

Live animals are brought into the classroom, each with its own special story. Topics discussed include endangered species, disappearing habitats, the exotic animal trade, conservation, and ways individuals can help. Visiting animals may include  a reptile, a chinchilla and a raptor.  


Birds of Prey

 55 minutes                                               $11.00/child

Have the live raptors visit your students. Students will meet owls, falcons and hawks and learn about the adaptations that help these awesome birds survive. Learn how humans are part of the picture, and how we can help. Students will learn each of their survival adaptations.

High School

Arrange a field trip that fits your classroom needs and time format. Popular topics include wetlands ecology, Long Island environment, insects, live reptiles and amphibians, birds of prey, threatened species and predator-prey relationships. (Call for information.)

Birds of Prey

55 minutes                                               $11.00/child

Have the live raptors visit your students. Students will meet owls, falcons and hawks and learn about the adaptations that help these awesome birds survive. Learn how humans are part of the picture, and how we can help. Students will learn each of their survival adaptations.

Reptiles and Amphibians

55 minutes                                                 $10.00/child                 

Live reptiles and amphibians are observed and compared during a cooperative learning experience that stresses observation and data collection. Survival strategies and natural histories of reptiles and amphibians are compared and discussed.

Assembly Programs

Recommend Grade 3 and higher

If you would like an up close and personal experience with the animals and our staff, it will be better to book a classroom program. If you do multiple assemblies per day, the price drops per assembly. We recommend no more than 75 students per assembly.

Birds of Prey - 45-55 minutes

Our visit to your school will bring the world of birds of prey to life as we introduce you to an array of live raptors.

Through an engaging presentation, students will uncover the remarkable adaptations that enable these birds to thrive in their respective habitats. From keen eyesight and razor-sharp talons to silent flight and specialized beaks, each species possesses a unique set of survival tools.

We’ll also explore the vital role that humans play in the lives of birds of prey, both as stewards of their habitats and as potential threats to their survival. By understanding the delicate balance between human activities and the needs of these birds, you'll gain insight into how we can all contribute to their conservation.

Threatened Species - 45-55 minutes

Live animals are brought into the school, each with its own special story. Topics discussed include endangered species, disappearing habitats, the exotic animal trade, conservation, and ways individuals can help. Visiting animals may include a snake, a turtle, a chinchilla, and a raptor.  

Backyard Wildlife - 45-55 minutes

Embark on an interactive journey into the diverse wildlife of Long Island neighborhoods with Sweetbriar Nature Center. Encounter fascinating creatures like Box turtles, opossums, rabbits, and screech owls, while gaining insight into their role in the ecosystem. Engage in discussions on conservation and stewardship, discovering practical ways to support local wildlife. Don't miss the chance to connect with nature and explore the wonders of your own backyard!

Assembly fee - $400 for 1st, $375 for 2nd, $350 for 3rd